Davor lief
Mi. 12. Feb19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Do. 13. Feb20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Fr. 14. Feb20:30 bis 22:30 Uhr
Sa. 15. Feb12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr
Sa. 15. Feb13:00 bis 14:00 Uhr
Bands mit B
- B-Listers
- Babette Und Die Schmetterlings
- Babette Vageena
- The Baboon Show
- Babylon circus
- Babylove & The Van Dangos
- Back From The Loo
- Back Garden Light
- Back Handed Compliment
- The Back Pages
- Back To Business
- Back Volvo
- Backlash die Band
- Backseat Virgins
- Backslide
- Backstreet Noise
- Bad Absalam
- Bad Affair
- Bad Assets
- Bad Attitude
- Bad Co. Project
- Bad Cop / Bad Cop
- Bad Dylan
- The Bad Engrish
- Bad Flip
- Bad Holiday
- Bad Ideas
- Bad Idols
- Bad Korea
- Bad Marley And The Wasters
- Bad Mojos
- Bad Nenndorf Boys
- Bad Religion
- Bad Riot
- Bad Taste Paranoia
- Bad Tymes
- Bailed Out
- Bajo Custodia
- Balboa Burnout
- Ballistic Biscuit
- Balzac
- Bambi
- Bambies
- The Bambies
- Bambix
- Bamboula
- Banana Roadkill
- Bananaslugs
- Banane Metalik
- The Bandgeek Mafia
- Bang Bang Romeo
- Bangers
- The Bankrobbers
- Bankrupt
- Banner Pilot
- Banquets
- Bantam
- The Bar Stool Preachers
- Barackca
- Barb Wire Dolls
- Barber's Clerk
- Barefoot Basement
- Baretta Love
- Barker
- Barmbeker Urknall
- Barney
- Barny Army
- The Baron Four
- Barrakuda McMurder
- Barricata Rossa
- Barroom Heroes
- Bars Of Gold
- The Barstool Preachers
- Basement Benders
- Baßgold
- Bash!
- Bass Sick Shit
- Bastard Babes
- Bastard Radio
- Bastard Royalty
- The Bastard Suns
- BastardBabes
- Bastards Of Young
- Bastards on Parade
- Bat$hit!Crazy
- Batbait
- The Bates
- Bates Motel
- Batfoot
- Bats In The Belfry
- Bats Out
- Battalion Zośka
- Battle Born
- Battle Flask
- Battle Royale
- Batwolf
- Bauernporno (FleischLEGO)
- Baumarkt
- Baumhaus Boyz
- Bavosa
- Bayline
- The Bayonets
- Bayside
- Bazooka
- Bazooka Sharkz
- Bazooka Zirkus
- BB Slags
- Be Fair
- Be Like Max
- Be My Doppelganger
- Be Well
- Beach Rats
- Beach Riot
- Beam Orchestra
- Bear Trade
- Beardless
- Beat The Red Light
- Beat The Smart Kids
- The Beatersband
- BeateXOuzo
- Beatmartin
- Beatsteaks
- The Beautiful Losers
- The Beautys
- Bedford Falls
- The Bedlam Knives
- Beer And Mess
- Beer Beer Orchestra
- Begbie Boys
- Beginnings
- Bei Bedarf
- Beifang
- Being Jared
- Belgrado
- Bellhaunts
- Belly Jelly
- Belmont
- Belta 53
- Belvedere
- Ben Fox
- Ben Friday
- Ben Friday Und Die Wochenendkapelle
- Ben Racken
- Beng Beng Cocktail
- Beng Beng Goes Electric
- The Bennies
- Berlin 2.0
- Berlin Blackouts
- Berlin Diskret
- The Bermones
- Bernd Bermuda
- Bernd Wand
- The Bernie and the Joergi
- Berri Txarrak
- Bersten
- Berth 55
- Bertz Rache
- Bessere Zeiten
- Best Boys Electric
- Beta Satan
- BetaBlocker
- Betagarri
- Betrayers Of Babylon
- Betrunken Im Klappstuhl
- Better Off Dead
- Betty & the Bottles
- The Bevis Frond
- Bibi Blockwart
- Bible For Robots
- Bicahunas
- Bierdosen Freunde
- Biffy Clyro
- Bifi Im Berghain
- Big Brother
- Big Eden
- Big John Bates
- Big Mess
- Big Spin
- Big Stroke
- Bike Age
- Bike Thiefs
- Bikes
- Bikini Cops
- Die Bilanz
- Bilk 13
- Billiam
- Billy & The Willies
- Billy Billy P5
- Billy Childish & The Musicians Of The British Empires
- Billy Liar
- Billy No Mates
- Billyclub
- Billycock
- Bipolar
- Bird
- Bishops Green
- Bitch Queens
- The Bite
- Bitter
- Bitter Grounds
- Bitter Orange
- Bitters And Distractions
- Bittter
- Bitume
- The Bity
- Biznaga
- Black Ball
- The Black Clover
- The Black Elephant Band
- Black Flag
- Black Gaffa
- The Black Gay Jews
- The Black Halos
- Black Koenig
- Black Lagoon
- Black Lining
- Black Magic Six
- Black Mood
- The Black Pacific
- Black Sails, Western Shores
- Black Sheep
- The Black Sheep
- Black Sheriff
- Black Square
- Black Star Dub Collective
- Black Symbol
- The Black Tape
- Black Volvo
- Blacklist Royals
- The Blacklist Royals
- Blackmail
- Blackout
- Blackout Problems
- Blackup
- Blag
- Blaggers I.T.A.
- The Blaggers
- Blank
- Blank Out
- Blanker Hohn
- Blanket Of M
- The Blankz
- Blasenschwäche
- Blaske
- Blast Bomb
- Blaufuchs
- Bleach Party USA
- Bleakness
- Blenden
- Blendof
- Blert
- Blessed Noise
- Blimey
- Blind Man Death Stare
- Blindspot
- Blink 182
- Blinker Links
- Bliss
- Blistered Minds
- The Blistered Minds
- Blisterhead
- Blitzkid
- Bloink 110
- Blood For Blood
- Bloodlights
- Bloodsport
- Bloodstrings
- The Bloodstrings
- Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space
- Bloody Knees
- The Bloody Muffs
- Bloody Muffs
- The Bloody Slips
- Blowfuse
- The Blue Bloods
- Blue Chips To Eat
- Blue Riverside
- Die BlumentoPferde
- Blumfeld
- Blur
- Blut Hirn Schranke
- Blutcypher
- Blutige Knie
- Boats!
- The Boatsmen
- Bob Mag Eis
- Bob Mould
- Bob Wayne
- Bobby Baseball Bat
- Bobby Funk
- Bobby Stickah
- Die Bockwurschtbude
- The Bodies
- Bodyjar
- The Bogarts
- BoigruB
- Bokassa
- The Bollweevils
- Bolshy
- Boltergeist
- The Bombpops
- Bombs From Heaven
- Bombshell Rocks
- Bonecrusher
- The Bones
- Bono
- Bonsai Kitten
- Boobarellas
- Booji Boys
- Bookhouseboys
- Boom Boom Racoon
- Boomerang Rapido
- Boon
- Boots On The Table
- Bootscraper
- Booze & Glory
- Booze Brothers
- The Booze Brothers
- Boozed
- Borderline Society
- Borderpaki
- Borders Down
- Boring Girls
- Boring Rockstars
- Boris The Sprinkler
- Born Equal
- Born To Destruct
- Born To Lose
- Born Without Bones
- Borrachos
- Borssum Allstars
- Borts
- Die Böse Hand
- Boss' Daughter
- Bosse
- Boston Manor
- Botox Rats
- Bottlekids
- The Bottles
- The Bottom Line
- The Bottrops
- Bouncin B.C.
- Bouncing Souls
- The Bouncing Souls
- Bound & Buried
- Boxhamsters
- Boxing Day
- Boy Jumps Ship
- Boykott
- Boys
- The Boys
- Boysetsfire
- Bracket
- Brad Pot
- Brad Stroz
- Brain Anguish
- Brain Dead
- Brain Lickers
- Brain Shake
- Brainbugs
- BrainDead
- Brainless
- Brainless Network
- The Brains
- Brand New Jersey
- The Branded
- Brandon Harrod
- Branlarians
- Brasher
- Brassick
- Brassknuckle Boys
- The Brat Attack
- Bratakus
- Brathering
- Bratmobile
- Braunkohlebagger
- Brave New World
- Brazen Hussy
- Breadchasers
- Break-Ups
- Breaker Breaker One Niner
- Breakout
- Breakup Haircut
- Breaky Boxes
- Breath Bright Bruder
- Brechreiz
- Brechreiz 08-15
- Bremskloz
- Brendan Kelly And The Wandering Birds
- Brew 36
- The Brewers
- Brian Kroll & My Son The Bum
- Bricheros
- Brick Assassin
- Brick Shithouse
- Bridge City Sinners
- Briefbombe
- The Briefs
- Brigada Esperanza
- Brigada Roja
- Brigade S
- The Brigade
- Brigades
- Brigadir
- Brigata Vendetta
- The Briggs
- Bright End
- Bring The War Home
- Bring To Ruin
- Bristles
- The Bristles
- Bristol Bulldogs
- Britney's Diary
- Brixton Cats
- Brixton Robbers
- Broadcast Zero
- Broadcaster
- Broadway Calls
- Brockdorff Klang Labor
- Bröckeln
- Broilers
- The Brokedowns
- Broken Cogs
- Broken Heroes
- The Broken Toys
- Bronco
- The Bronco
- Brookhurst
- Browbeat
- Bruce
- Bruno Jenkins
- Brunt Of It
- Brutal Besoffen
- Brutal Knights
- Brutal Verschimmelt
- Brutal Youth
- Brutale Gruppe 5000
- Brutalligators
- Brute Force Trauma
- Bruzckos
- Bubblegum Screw
- Bubonix
- The Buccaneers
- Büchse
- Buck Brothers
- Bud White
- The Budweisers
- Buggirl
- The Buggs
- Bulimia
- Die Bullen
- Bullet Machine
- Bullet Treatment
- Bullhead
- Bullshit Boy
- Bum City Saints
- Bumbleboys
- Bums
- Bundles
- Bungalow4
- Bunkaangst
- The Bunker Club
- Bunkermarie
- Bunte Trümmer
- Burger Weekends
- Burgi Zerschëllt
- Buried Cities
- Burn Burn Burn
- Burning City
- Burning Flag
- Burning Heads
- Burning Lady
- Burning Pigs
- The Burning Streets
- Burning Streets
- Burnout
- Burnout Ostwest
- Burnouts
- Burnt Cross
- Burnt Tapes
- The Burnt Tapes
- Burntmill Ghosts
- Business
- The Business
- Buster Shuffle
- The Bustups
- Butane Regulators
- Butch & the Butchers
- The Butchies
- Butter