Davor lief
Mi. 12. Feb19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Do. 13. Feb20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Fr. 14. Feb20:30 bis 22:30 Uhr
Sa. 15. Feb12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr
Sa. 15. Feb13:00 bis 14:00 Uhr
Bands mit L
- L'appel Du Vide
- L.A.G.
- L.A.K.
- L.K.A
- La Armada
- La Banda Skalavera
- La Brigada RPF
- La Confrerie Des Conards
- La Cry
- La Familia
- La Familia Iskariote
- La Fraction
- La Gachette
- La Inquisición
- La Kontra
- La Niña del Kaos
- La Rappresaglia
- La Sanyea Dengue
- La Ultima Y Pa Casa
- La Vela Puerca
- La Virgen
- La.marca
- The Lab Rats
- The Labor Pains
- Lache
- The Laconics
- Ladget
- Ladrones
- Lady Bird
- Ladyhawke
- Lafftrak
- Lagwagon
- Lamb of God
- Lambs
- Lame Shot
- Lande Hekt
- Landfill Crew
- Lapaka
- Lapdog
- Larrakia
- Larrikins
- Lars Frederiksen
- Lars Frederiksen & The Bastards
- Las Aspiradoras
- Las Chepas
- Las Hiedras
- Laß Mich In Ruh
- Las Nubes
- Las Ratapunks
- Laserschelle
- Lashing Fred
- Die Lassie-Singers
- Last
- Last Chance Marie
- The Last Chucks
- Last Exit Down
- The Last Gang
- Last Inside
- Last Line of Defense
- Last Point
- Last Resort
- Last Seen Laughing
- The Last
- Lastkaj 14
- Lastoneout
- Late Bloomer
- Latte
- Latte+
- Lauantaina (Klamydia)
- Laughing In The Face Of
- Launcher
- Laura Jane Grace
- Lawmaker
- Lawndale
- The Lawrence Arms
- Lay Down 2
- Lay It On The Line
- Lazy Doll
- Le Carogne
- Leandro En Solitario
- Leberzerrose
- Leberzerroze
- Lecherous Gaze
- Leck mich am Arsch (P
- Leeches
- Left Hand Black
- Left Thumb Up
- Leftover Crack
- Leftovers
- The Leftovers
- Leftside
- The Legend Of The Dogu
- The Legendary San Diego Chargers
- Legion 76
- Legs Bad
- Leguan
- Leihla
- Leise Iss Schaisse
- Leistungsgruppe Maulich
- Lemon Law
- The Lemonheads
- Lena Stöhrfaktor & Das Rattenkabinett
- Lenny Lashley's Gang Of One
- Lenny Lashleys Gang Of One
- Leopold Kraus Wellenkapelle
- Les Calcatoggios
- Les Cles A Pipe
- Les Dead Boobs
- Les Hatepinks
- Les Kitschenettes
- Les Lullies
- Les Missionnaires
- Les Partisans
- Les Robots
- Les Sauvages
- Les Shirley
- Lespian Rank Inferno
- Less Fortunate Songs
- Less Than Jake
- The LessOffs
- Lester
- Let It Kill You
- Let me go (Bullocks)
- Let Me Out
- Lethal Dose
- Leto
- Lettermans
- The Letters
- Lewis Turn Out
- Lexington Field
- Li.Be
- The Liars Club
- The Liars Down
- The Liberation Service
- Liberty And Justice
- Liberty Madness
- Liedfett
- Lieselektro
- Life Hacks
- Life Scars
- Lifewentpear
- Lightkultur
- Lights Out
- The Lightsout
- Lightyear
- Like A Motorcycle
- Like Pacific
- The Lillingtons
- Limoges
- Limolisafax
- Linda (Terrorgruppe)
- The Linda Lindas
- Linea
- Lineout
- Link
- Linoleleum
- linoLinoleleumeleum
- Lion’s Law
- The Lippies
- Liquid Face
- Liquids
- LisaBouvier
- Litbarski
- Litige
- Litterbug
- Little Teeth
- Live Fast Die
- Live From Las Vegasa
- Live Knives
- Live Ones
- Livefast
- The Living Daylights
- The Living End
- Livstid
- Lo Extraño
- Loaded
- Loaded 44
- Loaded Guns
- Lobotomics
- Lobsterbomb
- Local News Legend
- Local Riot
- Locators
- Loeschen
- Loggerheads
- Loi Te Von Hoi Te
- Lokalmatadore
- Lomba Raivosa
- Lombego Surfers
- The Lombego Surfers
- Lone Creep
- Lone Creep ft. Call In Sick
- Lonely Me
- Lonewolves In Paradise
- Longing For Tomorrow
- Longshot Odds
- Longway
- Lonny Wears Dederon
- Lookit- Martians!
- Looks Like Eve
- Loose Articles
- Loose Suspense
- Loose Sutures
- Lords Of Altamont
- Los Beretta
- Los Bierholn
- Los Billtones
- Los Brigands
- Los Campeones Del Bardo
- Los Candidatos
- Los Chicoz Chupadaz
- Los Cinco Felices Cuatro
- Los Dias No Vividos
- Los Disckolos
- Los Fastidios
- Los Fastidios feat. Elisa Dixan
- Los Glurps!!
- Los Gringos
- Los Indeseables
- Los Infierno
- Los Kung Fu Monkeys
- Los Lunes
- Los Patotes
- Los Peligros
- Los Pepes
- Los Playmobils
- Los Problemas
- Los Rancios
- Los Seres Vivientes
- Los Skuff
- Los Snatcheros
- Los Vencidos
- Los Zippers
- Loser By Default
- Loser Points
- Loser Youth
- Loss Of Signal
- Lost Avenue
- Lost Balloons
- Lost Boyz Army
- Lost Cherrees
- Lost In Society
- Lost Legion
- Lost Love
- Lost Lyrics
- The Lost Lyrics
- Lost Planet Airmen
- Lost Propeleros
- Lost Souls, Slobodna Volba & Zhoda Nahod
- The Lot
- Loud Love
- Loudmouth
- Louis Lingg and the Bombs
- The Lousekateers
- Lousy Sue
- Love A
- Love Equals Death
- Love Forty Down
- Love Supreme
- Lovebites
- Lovebreakers
- Loveline
- Low
- The Low Ends
- Löwen Am Nordpol
- Lower Class Brats
- Lowjob
- Lowknox
- Loz Tinitoz
- Lucifer Star Machine
- The Lucky Eejits
- Lucky Malice
- Lucky One Dies First
- Lucy And The Rats
- Lügen
- Lukas Sherfey
- Lullabelles
- Lulu & Die Einhormfarm
- Lulu & Die Einhornfarm
- Lumberjerks
- Lumpen
- The Lunatic Bats
- Lunatic Eclipse
- Lunatic Fringe
- The Lunatics
- Lungbuster
- The Lurchers
- Lurk
- Lustfinger
- Lustkill
- Lütten
- Luvdump
- Lygo
- Lyoness
- Lyvten