Davor lief
Mi. 12. Feb19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Do. 13. Feb20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Fr. 14. Feb20:30 bis 22:30 Uhr
Sa. 15. Feb12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr
Sa. 15. Feb13:00 bis 14:00 Uhr
Bands mit R
- R.I.F.
- R.M.F.C
- R.O.C.K.E.T
- The Ra77lesnake
- The Rabble
- The Rabblers
- Rabies
- Rad Kids
- Radical Kitten
- Radical Radio
- The Radicals
- Radio Blast
- Radio Havanna
- Radio Strange
- Radiobaghdad
- Radiohearts
- Radiostorm
- Radon
- Raffnix
- Rafiki
- Rage Against Mister Sheen
- Rage Against The Machine
- Raggabund
- The Raging Nathans
- Ragoody Orchestra
- Raid 409
- Rainald Grebe
- Raincheck
- Raincity Ghouls
- Raised Fist
- Ralph Pelleymounter
- Ramazuri
- Ramoms
- Ramona
- The Ramonas
- Ramonas
- Ramones
- The Ramones
- The Rampires
- The Ramshackle Army
- Ramshackle Glory
- The Ramstampits
- Rancid
- Rancoeur
- The Rancors
- Randells
- Random Conflict
- Random Hand
- Random Hate
- Random Orbits
- Randy´s Ripcord
- Rantanplan
- Raptus
- Raptus Di Follia
- Rash Decision
- Rasta Knast
- Rastlos
- Rat City Riot
- The Ratboys
- The Ratches
- The Ratchets
- The Ratcliffs
- Rather Raccoon
- Rather Racoon
- Ratmonkey
- Rats Don't Sink
- Rats! Rats! Rats!
- Rauchen
- Ravanas Fall
- Ravenna
- Raveslut
- The Raw Deals
- Raw Power
- Rawside
- Ray Daytona & The Googoobombos
- Raydios
- The Razerbills
- Razorblade
- Razorblades
- The Razorblades
- Razorcut
- Razorquillz
- Razors
- Razors In The Night
- Razzia
- Re-Volts
- The Re-Volts
- Ready Killerwatt
- Reaganomics
- The Reaganomics
- The Reaktion
- Reaktor Camp
- Reaktor Kekse
- Real Deal
- The Real McKenzies
- Real People
- Real Sickies
- The Reapers
- Rebecca Radical
- Rebel Assholes
- The Rebel Assholes
- Rebel City Radio
- The Rebel Riot
- The Rebel Spell
- Rebel Spies
- Rebel's Reunion
- Rebell Bagatell
- Rebels Rule
- Rebuilder
- Rebuke
- Rec Syndrome
- Recap
- Reckless Upstarts
- Red Atlanta
- Red Blood Hands
- Red Bricks
- Red Card
- Red City Radio
- Red Dons
- Red Doves
- Red Eye
- Red Five Point Star
- Red Horizon
- Red Hot Rebellion
- Red Light Rebels
- Red Lite District
- The Red Lite District
- Red London
- The Red Riding
- Redemption
- Redlight 6
- Redska
- Reducers S.F.
- Refaction
- Refrigators
- Refused
- Reggie And The Full Effect
- The Regime
- Regret
- Rehasher
- Reiz
- Rejected Youth
- Rejected Youth (Feat. Guerilla-Refuse)
- Rejects of Society
- Relation
- Reliance
- Remedy
- Remote Control
- Rene SG
- Reno Divorce
- Rentokill
- The Repercussions
- Replicunts
- Reproach
- The Republicats
- Res Nulius
- Research Reactor Corp
- Resignators
- The Resignators
- Resistencia
- Resistenz '32
- Resistors
- Resolutions
- Respirators
- The Restarts
- Restless
- The Restless
- Restorations
- Retainers
- Retarded
- The Retarded Rats
- Retox
- The Return Of The Prodigal Son
- The Reuters
- Reuters
- Rev Norb And The Onions
- Reveal
- Revenge
- Revenge Of The Psychotronic Man
- Reverend Backflash
- Reverend Beat-Man & Izobel Garcia
- Reverend Savage and his Holy Rollers
- Reverse Time
- The Review
- Revolution (Feine Deutsche A..
- Revolution Eyes
- Revolution Inc.
- The Revoors
- Revv
- Rews
- Rhinosaurs
- Rhododendron
- Ribozyme
- Riccobellis
- Richard Ritter
- Richies
- Rictus Grin
- The Ridicules
- The Rifffs
- Riggots
- Rile 9 Collective
- Rillenpisse
- Rimansky
- The Rimshots
- Ringwalds
- Rio Reiser
- The Riot Before
- Riot Brigade
- Riot Company
- Riot Dogs
- The Riot Gang
- The Riots
- Ripe
- Ripio
- The Riptide Rats
- Ripya Hart
- Rise Against
- Rising Resistance
- Riskee & The Ridicule
- Rites Of Hadda
- Ritj
- Rival Schools
- River City High
- River City Rebels
- River City Rejects
- River Jumpers
- Rivershores
- Riviera Kid
- Roach Fever
- The Roadblocks
- Roadside Bombs
- Roam
- The Roaring 420s
- Rob Luther
- Robinson Krause
- Robotron
- Rock Am Berg 2019
- Rock Shit Hot
- Rock'n'Roll Rebels
- Rock'n'Roll Stormtroopers
- Rockass
- Rocket 808
- The Rocket Dogz
- Rockformation Diskokugel
- Rocko Rainoldi & Su Teléfono Maldito
- Rocko Schamoni
- Rockstar Pussy
- Rockwohl Degowski
- Rocola Bacalao
- Rodi
- Roger Miret And The Disasters
- Rogers
- Rollsportgruppe
- Rommel and Monty
- Rompe El Control
- Rong Kong Koma
- Rooster Burns & The Stetson Revolting
- Rooster Punk Rock
- The Roosterz
- Rootz Radicals
- Die Rote Suzuki
- Rotores
- Rotte Chora
- Rotten
- Rotten Blue Menace
- Rotten Foxes
- Rotten Mind
- Rotten Shock
- Rotten Tomatoes
- Rotting Out
- Rotunda
- Rotura
- Rough Dreams
- Roughneck Riot
- The Roughneck Riot
- Rowan Oak
- The Roxies
- Roxy Expoxy
- Royal Ass Force
- Royal Dead
- Royal Oi!
- Rozweel Kid
- Rubber City Rebels
- Ruben Farias
- Rübenschneider
- Ruber Taurus
- Rude & The Lickshots
- Rude Pride
- Rude Riot
- Ruder Than You
- The Rudes
- Rudi
- The Rudy Schwartz Project
- Ruffies
- Ruhrschrei
- The Ruins
- Rule 303
- Rules Of This Game
- Ruleta Rusa
- Rum Lad
- Rumble Club
- The Rumjacks
- The Rumkicks
- Rumpelton
- The Rumperts
- Run Chicken Run
- The Run Up
- Rundown Kreeps
- Runnin' Riot
- Running Late
- Running Riot
- Russian Girlfriends
- Russian Tim And Pavel Bures
- Rustikarl
- Ruts DC
- Ruynor
- Ryan Yobs