Davor lief
Mi. 22. Jan19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Mi. 22. Jan22:00 bis 23:00 Uhr
Do. 23. Jan20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Mi. 29. Jan19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Sa. 22. Feb20:00 bis 23:59 Uhr
Bands mit H
- H Ngm N
- H-Bomb Holiday Camp
- H.D.K.
- H.D.Q.
- H2O
- Habgier
- Habits
- Hackie Goes
- Hadde Be
- Haest
- Hagar The Womb
- Haiga Sex Helden
- Hairball
- Haiumdemography
- Hakan
- Hal Johnson
- Halbstarke Jungs
- Die Halbzeit
- Half Mast
- Half Past Gone
- The Hallelujahs
- The Hallingtons
- Haltmalkurz
- Hamapple
- Hammerhead
- Hammerlock
- Hanako
- Hand & Leg
- Handguns
- The Handshake
- The Hangmen
- The Hangups
- Hanky Pankys
- Hannen Alks
- Hannes Wader
- Hanny J
- Hanoi Rocks
- Hans Ehlert Hamburg
- Happy Accidents
- The Happy Hours
- Happy Kadaver
- Happy Ol'McWeasel
- Happy Weekend (Die Lokalmata..
- Happy!
- Haraball
- Harakeerees
- Harbour 81
- Harbour Rebels
- The Hard Aches
- Hard Attack
- Hard Evidence
- Hard Headed
- Hard Luck Bad Luck 'n' Misery
- Hard Mood
- Hard Skin
- The Hard
- Hard-Ons
- The Hard-Ons
- Hårdgnissel
- Hardsell
- Harijan
- Harker
- Harmful Logic
- Harrington Saints
- The Harry Anslingers
- Harry Gump
- Harry On The Bottle
- Harsh Realms
- Harum Scarum
- The Has Beens
- Hass
- Hässig
- Hasta La Vista Social Club
- Hate For State
- Hate Me Tomorrow
- Hatepinks
- The Hatepinks
- Haunted George
- Hausvabot
- Hautausschlag
- Havarie Boys
- Have Nots
- The Haverchucks
- The Hawaiians
- Häxxan
- Hayden James
- Hayley & The Crushers
- Hayley Gaftarnick
- Headcrash
- Headlines
- The Headlines
- Headons
- Headspace
- Healthy Junkies
- Heart & Lung
- Heart A Tact
- Heart Attack Kids
- Heartbeeps
- Heartbleed
- Heartbreak Stereo
- The Heartburns
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heavy Heart
- Heavy Metal Kid
- Heavy Pockets
- Heiopeis
- The Heisenberghs
- Heiter Bis Wolkig
- Heldengedicht (Taktlos)
- Helga Blohm Dynastie
- Helge Schneider
- Hell & Back
- Hell Hoe Kitti
- Hell's Ditch
- Hella Rebelliön
- The Hellbound Hitmen
- Helldriver
- The Hellfreaks
- Hellgreaser
- Hellhead
- Hellmaistroz
- Hello Mabel
- Hellpetrol
- Hells Fire Sinners
- Hellsongs
- Helmut Cool
- Hemisfair
- Henchman
- Hepcat
- Herkules
- The Heroine Whores
- Heros Zeros
- Herpes
- Herrengedeck Royal
- Herrenmagazin
- Herz Dich Selbst
- Herzblut
- Hex Bombs
- Hex Ray Gun
- Hexen
- Hey Ruin
- Heyoka
- Hi! Spencer
- Hi Tereska
- Hi-Fi Spitfires
- Hibernation (Silly Encores)
- Hidden Depth
- Hidden In Plain View
- Hiding From Humans
- Higgins
- The Higgins
- High Gin
- High Praise
- The High Times
- Highschsool Nightmare
- Hightime
- Hightower
- Hijack Broadcast
- The Hijacks
- Hijinx
- Hillview
- Hinüber
- Hippie Trim
- Hisdayhascome
- Hit Play
- Hit Reset
- Hit The Dirt
- Hit The Lights
- Hit The Switch
- Die Hitchhikers
- The Hives
- Hoagiebait
- Hobbygärtner
- HochTief
- Hog Hoggidy Hog
- Hoist The Colours
- Hola Ghost
- Holding Patterns
- Holiday
- The Hollowpoints
- Holly Would Surrender
- Hollywood Kreepers
- Holyfangs
- Home Street Home
- The Homeless Gospel Choir
- Homeless Radio
- Homesafe
- The Homisides
- Homoskapiens
- Honey
- Honey Joy
- Hong Kong Fuck You
- Honigbomber
- Honningbarna
- Honnycutt
- Hooka Hey
- Hooligan
- Hooligans Gegen Satzbau
- Hopewrecker
- Horace Pinker
- The Horibillies
- Hörinfarkt
- The Hormones
- Horny Lulu
- Horror Section
- Hors Controle
- Hospital Food
- Hostages of Ayatollah
- The Hostiles
- Hot Action Waxing
- Hot Blood
- Hot Knife
- Hot Nuns
- Hot Rod Linkun
- Hot Water Music
- Hotel Energieball
- Hotel Kempauski
- The Hotknives
- Hottntottn
- Hotwax
- Houdini Social Club
- The Hound Of Love
- Hounds & Harlots
- House Boat
- Househats
- Household
- How To Fuck It
- Hub City Stompers
- Huck Blues
- Hudkreft
- Hudson
- Hudson Falcons
- Human Abfall
- Human Dinosaur Machine
- Human Obliteration
- The Human Project
- Human Trophy
- Humanfly
- Hung Ups
- The Hung Ups
- Hunger Artist
- Hungry Ghost
- Hunter Wallingford
- Hunting Lions
- Huntingtons
- Hurricane Season
- Hüsker Dü
- The Hussy
- Hyalin
- Hybrid Children
- The Hyena Kill
- Hype Lights
- Hyperactive!
- The Hyperjax
- Hysterese