Davor lief
Mi. 12. Feb19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Do. 13. Feb20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Fr. 14. Feb20:30 bis 22:30 Uhr
Sa. 15. Feb12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr
Sa. 15. Feb13:00 bis 14:00 Uhr
Bands mit M
- M
- M-13
- M-80
- M.A.N.
- M.A.Z.E
- M1SD1
- Mach Pelican
- Machtwort
- mackermassaker
- Macsat
- Mad Caddies
- Mad Cowboys
- Mäd Lÿnx
- Mad Mans Milk
- Mad Monkey Massacre
- Mad Monks
- Mad Mulligans
- The Mad Murdocks
- Mad Sin
- Madball
- Madjive
- Madsen
- Maffai
- The Magic Flip
- Mahalium
- The Mahones
- Maid Of Ace
- Main Line 10
- Mainlined
- Major Kowal
- MakaBar
- Make War
- Make Your Mark
- MakeWar
- Mal Aux Yeux
- Mal Parecer
- Mala Hostia
- Malá Modrá Obluda
- Malad
- Maladro!ts
- Maladroit
- The Maladroits
- The Maladtro!ts
- Malaria
- Malas Palabras
- Malasañers
- Male
- Male Trouble
- Maleducazione Alcolica
- The Malones
- Maluma
- Mama Guitar
- Mamba Bites
- Mammoth Penguins
- Man Overboard
- Man The Change
- Man vs. Nature
- Manarovs
- Manband
- Mandelkokainschnaps
- Manege Frei
- Maneurysm
- Manges
- The Manges
- Manic Dynamites
- The Manics
- Manifestation
- Mannequin Pussy
- Männi
- Manoz Zuzias
- The Mansters
- Mantan
- Mantarochen
- Mantilla
- Manuals
- Manuel Kant
- Mar De Rabia
- Maraboots
- Marathonmann
- Marcelo D2
- March
- Marching Orders
- Marco Sysma
- Maree Noire
- Margate
- Margot Erkner
- Mario Monterosso
- Marionetz
- Mark Murphy And The Meds
- Mark Sultan
- The Mark Vodka Group
- Market Wholesale
- Marlene Dietrich
- Marode
- Maroon Town
- The Marples
- Mars Addict
- Martha
- Martinez Junkies
- Mary
- Mary & The Immaculate Rejections
- Mary Bell
- Mary's Kids
- Masakatsu
- Mäsh
- Mash Attack
- Masked Intruder
- Masons Arms
- Massendefekt
- Massenger
- Massenkarambolage
- Masshysteri
- Massi Lanciasassi
- Massive Wagons
- Massoneria Ramonica
- Mata Ratos
- Matches
- Matilda's Scoundrels
- Matrak Attakk
- Matt Bachman
- Matt DeeCrack
- Matt K. Shrugg
- Matt Peach
- Matt Skiba (Alkaline Trio)
- Matt Trainor
- Matt Voodoo
- Matula
- Matze Rossi
- Max Motherfucker
- Max Power
- Max Raptor
- Maxeen
- Maxwell S Dead
- May The Force Be With You
- Mayday
- Mayday Parade
- Mayfair
- Mazzolata
- MC16
- McFeely's Speedy Delivery
- McLusky
- Mcrackins
- Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
- Me Rex
- Mean Caesar
- Mean Jeans
- Mean Things
- Mean Things Theme
- Meanbirds
- Meat For Dogs
- Meat Wave
- The Media
- The Meeps
- Mega
- Megaton
- Meggi
- Meinhof
- Mel Pit & His Ska Sour Raiders
- The Mellers
- The Melmacs
- Melting Fast
- The Members
- Memoirs And Landmines
- The Memory
- Menace
- Menetetty Maa
- Mensaka
- Menschabstinenz & Egotronic
- Mensen
- The Menstrual Cramps
- Mental Boy
- Menzigers
- The Menzingers
- Mercedes Jens
- The Mercenaries
- Mercy Killers
- Mercy Killers, Enemy Rose
- Mercy Music
- Mercy Union
- The Merinuks
- Merkado Nocturno
- Mersh
- Meskalin
- Messed Up
- Messer
- Mest
- The Meteors
- The Methadones
- Metroplex
- Metzgerbutcher
- Mexokred
- Michael He Man
- Mickey Brumaire
- Mickey Leigh's Mutated Music
- Microwave
- Middle Children
- The Midget Fan Club
- Midlife Mafia
- Midnight Haunt
- Midnite Snaxxx
- Midrake
- Midway
- Midwich Cuckoos
- Mighty Birds
- The Mighty Bossmags
- Mighty Midgets
- The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
- miGRRRäne F.
- Mike Shiva
- Mike Zero
- Mila Masu
- Milenrama
- The Milk Lizards
- Millencolin
- Millie Manders & The Shutup
- Millie Manders And The Shutup
- Die Mimmis
- Minatore
- Mind Spiders
- Mindblind
- Mindset
- Minibruto
- Minipax
- Minor Decline
- The Minor Discomfort Band
- The Minority
- Minority Party
- The Minors
- Minus A Heart
- Minus Apes
- Miozän
- Miranda Arieh
- Mischief Brew
- Misconduct
- The Misfits
- Misfortune Cookie
- Misgivings
- Misión Indecente
- The Misophones
- Miss Eaves
- Miss Nessie
- Miss Vincent
- Missbrauch
- Missiles Of October
- The Missing Persons List
- Missstand
- The Mistakes
- Mister X
- Mitch Casino
- Mitch Lang Band
- MitGift
- Mitraiille
- Mittagspause
- Mittekill
- Mixtapes
- Miztake
- The Moans
- The Mob Fixing Freedom
- Mob Mentality
- Mobina Galore
- Model Zero
- Modern Action
- Modern Division
- Modern Natives
- Modern Pets
- Modern Saints
- Modern Shakes
- Mofabande
- Mofakette
- Mofx
- Moin
- Molisma
- Mollotov Attack
- Molly Punch
- Moloch
- Molotov Cocktail
- Molotov Cocktails
- Molten Universe
- Mom
- Mommy Boys
- Mondo Wave
- Money Left To Burn
- The Monistats
- Monkey Mind
- Monkey Motel
- Monkish
- Monmouth
- Monomanias (Dave Williams)
- Monovine
- Monster Squad
- Monsters
- The Monsters
- Monstruos En Mi Habitación
- Montesas
- Montreal
- Moonshine Gamblers
- The Moorings
- Moose Blood
- Moose Knuckle
- Moped Lads
- The Mor(R)ons
- Moral Dilemma
- Moral Panic
- Morbeats
- More Kicks
- Morgana
- Morgendown
- Morning Glory
- Moron's Morons
- Moron’s Morons
- Morsch
- Morton The Driver
- Mortymer
- Mosche Di Velluto Grigio
- Moscow Death Brigade
- Moskito Spezial
- Mostly Harmless
- Mostrich
- Mother's Children
- Mothra Slapping Orchestra
- Motivo
- Motörhead
- Motorizer
- Motschekibschen
- Mountain Witch
- Mousebrass
- Mouser
- Mouth
- The Movement
- Movie Star Junkies
- Movin In Stereo
- Mower
- Mr Clit And The Pink Cigarettes
- Mr. Irish Bastard
- Mr. Shankly
- Mr. Teenage
- Much The Same
- Mudfight
- Mufasa Ozora
- Muff Potter
- The Muffin Heads
- Mug
- Mugwumps
- The Mugwumps
- Mühlheim Asozial
- Muirsheen Durkin & Friends
- Mülheim Asozial
- Müll
- Müllheim
- Multiplex
- Muncie Girls
- Mundys Bay
- Muñekas Jintxables
- Murder Bizkitz
- The Murderburgers
- Mururoa Attäck
- The Mushniks
- Musik For The Kitchen
- Muskelprotz
- Muskets
- The Muslims
- Must Be Wrong
- Mutabor
- Mutant Love
- The Mutant Members Only Club
- Mutant Proof
- Mutant Reavers
- Mutant Strain
- Mutes
- MxPx
- My Defense
- My Iron Lung
- My Latest Failure
- My Life In Black And White
- My Minds Mine
- My Moral Majority
- Myelin
- The Myers
- The Mystery Girls?